Senin, 29 Oktober 2012

moulette1 first giveaway

Hai..hai moulette1 lg ngadain first giveaway dan prize nya nail polish lho OPI Ger-minis (mini germany collection ...tunggu apalagi yuk ikutan klik DISINI Ya xoxo
The Prizes:

onyxandmick giveaway

Now onyxandmick is having giveaway so what are you waiting for??lets join her awesome giveaway too just click HERE 

The Prizes:

Pretty-in-pink-blog : 1st year blogiversary

Hi, i'm joining giveaway from pretty-in-pink-blog  so click HERE if you want to joining giveaway too xoxo Hope i can win :)

The Prizesss:

Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

Rabu, 24 Oktober 2012

our-sugar-shop : sugars first giveaway with achter

kali ini aku ikutan giveaway our-sugar-shop yang bekerjasama dengan achter. Pengen bgt dapetin aquapix camera nya xoxo nah klo temen2 juga mo ikutan giveaway nya langsung aja cheki2 ke blog nya DISINI ya :)
The Prize:

lyralepeintre giveaway with Naris Indonesia

Yeay, lyralepeintre lagi ngadain first giveaway bekerjasama dgn Naris Indonesia. Apa itu Naris?? Naris adalah brand yang berasal dari jepang dan sudah ada sejak tahun 1932. Produk nya pun sudah didistribusikan dari amerika hingga rusia serta dari china dan akhirnya ke indonesia dan untuk lebih jelas lg tentang Naris Indonesia klik DISINI aja. Aku penasaran pengen nyoba produk Naris yang Wink up color eyelid dan that why aku ikut giveaway di lyralepeintre kali aja beruntung so klo kamu pengen join giveaway nya juga klik DISINI ya :)

The Prizes:

Helena-nt giveaway

helena-nt is having giveaway rigth now so what are you waiting for?? lets join her awesome giveaway just click HERE xoxo wish me luck :)

The prize:

Selasa, 23 Oktober 2012

Idekuhandmade: second october giveaway

Crafty blog yg satu ini mang setiap bulan selalu ngadain giveaway dan kali ini aku ikutan sapa tau beruntung dapat Tas nya atau ga jadi salah satu pemenangnya gtu..So klo kamu juga pengen ikut giveaway idekuhandmade juga langsung cheki2 d ke blognya DISINI ya xoxo

The Prizeee:

Hanaiyzm :My bday giveaway

Ola, kali ini aku ikutan giveaway di blog hanaiyzm ,bukan hanya segala sesuatu yg berbau beauty tapi blog hanaiyzm ini juga membahas soal DIY,Crochet, n Craft juga lho begitu juga hadiahnya ada berbagai macam Crochet dlm bentuk gelaang ,kalung, anting, dll so tunggu apalagi yuk ikutan giveawaynya juga klik aja DISINI .Hope i can win xoxo

The Prize:

Senin, 22 Oktober 2012

rinicesillia :second giveaway

Yeay, ada giveaway lagi dari rinicesillia , banyak banget lho hadiahnya so ayo ikutan biar rame langsung meluncur y ke blognya tinggal klik  DISINI ,Hope i can win xoxo

The Prize:

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Harrietmanson giveaway

Hi, now i'm joining giveaway from to celebrate 50 folllowers on her blog. You can get A MAC lipstick of your choice if you win so lets check HERE  for more details :)

The prize:

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2012

littlesugarcube: 500 followers giveaway

Hi, i'm joining giveaway from littlesugarcube to celebrate 500 followers giveaway and many cute  thing you can win so what are you waiting for??lets join her awesome giveaway, just click HERE :)

The prize:

Heartkristel :for my dear giveaway sponsor

heartkristel is having for my dear giveaway sponsor right now so if you want to joining her cute giveaway too just click HERE xoxo
Wish me luck :)
The Prize you can win :

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012


hi girls , sekarang gw ikutan giveaway quirkitout : giveaway blancteria and shorts map, pemenang nya akan mendapatkan supercool BLANCTERIA andy shorts worth IDR 170.000/USD 17 Plus MAP Voucher worth IDR 300.000/USD 30. So tunggu apalagi ?? yuk ikutan juga dan untuk informasi lebih jelasnya langsung meluncur deh ke blog nya tinggal klik DISINI xoxo hanya untuk residents in  indonesia y
Hope i can win :)

The Prize:

Jumat, 05 Oktober 2012

Cydonianmakeup giveaway

Hi girls , cydonianmakeup is having ELF disney villains cruella palette giveaway right now so what are you waiting for?? lets join her awesome giveaway just click HERE :) Hope i can win xoxo

The PriZeee :

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Beautynerd-bynight giveaway

Hi, now i'm joining giveaway from beautynerd-bynight to celebrate 100 followers on her blogs so if you want to joining her giveaway to check HERE right now .Wish me luck xoxo

The Prizeee:

Jaciwalker giveaway 10 colours blush palette

Yeah, jaciwalker is having giveaway : 10 Colours blush palette so what are you waiting for girls??Lets join her awesome giveaway just enter HERE :) as you know i love blush and i hope i can win this palette xoxo

The Prize :

Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

beautyobsessedgirl 200 followers giveaway

Now i'm joining giveaway from beautyobsessedgirl to celebrate 200 followers on her blogs.So if you want to joining her awesome giveaway too just enter HERE :)

THE Prizee: